With a heavy heart, in February of 2021, SC Whitmore School announced the passing of Jessica Munyon. Jessica joined SCWS in 2016 and had an incredible impact on the lives of students across South Carolina. Jessica not only faithfully served as a teacher, but as a department chair and advisor for ArtMore, an online digital literary and art magazine. She will truly be missed by the entire SC Whitmore School family.
The Jessica Munyon Memorial Scholarship has been
created in her honor.The Jessica Munyon Memorial Scholarship recognizes outstanding seniors who have embraced the mission of SCWS. Each student will receive a $1,000 merit scholarship to be used for a two or four-year college, or a career skills-enhancement certification. Jessica Munyon Memorial Scholarship Fellows Must:
Currently, be in the 12th grade and eligible to graduate this academic year
Model a character of integrity, leadership, service, and academic achievement
Have been enrolled for at least one academic year
Be recommended by an SCWS teacher
Have earned a minimum of 4.0 GPA at SC Whitmore School